Marigold Vegan Organic Bouillon Powder 全素有機湯粉150g
£2.80Marigold’s delicious organic bouillon is perfect as a natural seasoning for stews, sauces, casseroles and hot drinks. Made to Marigold’s own unique Swiss vegetable recipe, the organic variant contains no MSG and is gluten free.
Marigold 美味的有機湯粉非常適合湯麵底、燉菜、醬汁、砂鍋菜和熱飲的天然調味。根據Marigold自己獨特的瑞士蔬菜配方製成,不含味精,不含麩質。
Sauce Co Black Bean Soy Sauce 320ml 味榮極釀黑豆油露 320毫升
£8.90The highest quality black beans are, first, selected, then, soaked and steamed; koji would be added afterwards for fermentation, all the ingredients are carefully washed, finally sealed in the vat under coarse salt. The black beans are sun-baked inside the vat for 180 days. Over changing conditions in day and night, the koji’s fermentation can drive the essence and nutrients inside each black bean, thus we receive the intense and pure black bean juice.
It can be used in braise, stew, or to make fried rice and noodles. Adding drinking water & sesame oil will make a delicious soba sauce.
從黑豆品種的嚴格篩選. 浸泡蒸煮, 下麴菌製麴, 清洗拌鹽, 加上粗鹽封缸, 黑豆在陶甕日曬蔭製180天. 讓醬油麴菌在缸中因為時間與溫度的高低起伏, 慢慢將一粒粒黑豆中所蘊含的營養與精華激發出來, 成為日後一滴滴濃醇的黑豆原汁。
Rich Year Farm Mushroom Powder 150g 豐年農場天然鮮菇粉 150克
£8.90Mushroom Powder is natural flavouring. It’s made from different kinds of dried mushrooms produced in the farm. It can be used as seasoning for vegetables, meat or added to sauces, soups, gravies to add the umami flavour to the dishes.
Lacto vegetarian
Origin: Taiwan